jNetMap 0.5 RC1 is here

I’m happy to announce the release of jNetMap version 0.5 RC1! It should by mostly stable by now, and most features have been frozen. This release also marks the end of the official project “jNetMap rebuild” at my university. This does not mean that I’ll abandon this project, it just means that I won’t be able to dedicate quite as much time to the project as I did for the last 6 months.

Since the rebuild finally supports different languages, I’m looking for translators that are willing to translate ~130 lines of text. English and German are available to serve as a basis for your translation.

Also, you can write your own plugins for jNetMap; simply implement one of these Inrerfaces: RightClickAction, Notifier or SidebarPlugin (PingMethodPlugin will soon be supported as well). Have a look at the javadoc or browse the repository to find out more.

jNetMap 0.5 ALPHA release

The alpha version of jNetMap 0.5 is now available for download! As this is an alpha version, there are no guarantees and no support. Play with it and tell me what you think 🙂
Plugins are working now (jspf), SNMP is built-in and the ICMP-Ping issue is fixed for good. There is also a revamped Port-Scanner, but the automatic device discovery is not ready yet and the same goes for the notification-system. So there’s still a lot of work to be done ’till the final release.